CLI Tools
in progress
Joseph Cooper
in progress
We have a few open-source repo and want integrate kintohub into our review process
Joseph Cooper
@meetup: You talking about pull requests? If you can explain the full use case from a reviewer and a submitter's point of view, would be great!
@Joseph Cooper: I like how it works with Netlify, netlify integration just build and deploy "review app" for each PR and then you can check how it works IRL. But I'm not sure how it should work in case with a combination of KintoBlocks.
Also, it will be great to have the ability to use CLI for tagging and deploying in CI/CD (for example travis-ci).
I have a strange feeling about the one-direction connection between our code and our infrastructure: now code doesn't know anything about KintoHub and we can rule CD only in external service with UI. If it would be a CLI, we would explicitly integrate KintoHub directly into our CI/CD.
Joseph Cooper
@meetup: Makes sense. The combination of kintoblocks is the tricky part ;). It works really well for 1 to 1 services. Especially with 2+ API hops (Client => Service A => Service B (v2)).
We have some ideas on how to do this, but haven't had enough demand to build it out. We'll definitely continue to watch.
Regarding PRs in general, we're still seeing how that would fit well with combining blocks. If anything creative comes your way, let us know. We can continue the conversation here: https://feedback.kintohub.com/feature-requests/p/blue-green-deployment-preview
Regarding the the CLI for tagging and deploying though is high up there, definitely in the works. Guessing you'd like to be able to push a docker image artifact to a hosted registry by kintohub (via cli) or would you like to push to your own registry and have KintoHub sync, or both?
Joseph Cooper
Be able to push artifacts to kintohub, so you can use 3rd party tools like GithubActions and CircleCI for the build, and kintohub for deployments.
Joseph Cooper
Moving back to planned, currently de-prioed as a nice to have feature.
Kind of confusing! Would love to learn more!