A sample elixir app for KintoHub
๐ Deploying on KintoHub- Service Type: Backend API
- Repo: https://github.com/kintohub-examples/elixir
- Branch: master
- Language: Elixir
- Language version: 1.10
- Build Command:
mix local.hex --force && mix local.rebar --force && mix deps.get --quiet && mix
- Start Command:
mix run --no-halt
- Port: 3000
When complete, open the Access tab and open the external URL to see your Elixir example!
An Elixir example can be deployed using Dockerfile
on KintoHub
๐ฌ Deploying with Dockerfile- Service Type: Backend API
- Repo: https://github.com/kintohub-examples/elixir
- Branch: master
- Language: Dockerfile
- Dockerfile Name: Dockerfile
- Port: 3000
๐จ Running locallyPre-requisites: Elixir v1.10
- Clone the repository to a folder of choice.
- Install the dependencies
- To start the app
After running this command, open localhost:3000
in your browser to view the response sent.
Response sent#
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